Who are we?

Our calling

Pastor Ray Lotter and his wife, Pastor Elizabeth Lotter, responded to the call of the Lord to leave their home in Washington State and move to Hawaii in August of 2022. Since arriving in Hawaii, they have worked diligently, serving the Lord in various capacities and establishing ministry and Kingdom relationships with several denominations on Oahu. “To seek and save the lost” is the Lord’s call and He put it into their hearts to hold outdoor crusades where all are welcomed, where people could hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, come to salvation, be baptized and be directed to local churches for discipling. 

Crusades would also be a place where people could experience God meeting them at their point of need, whether healing, a recommitment of their lives to the Lord, or reconciliation. Crusades would be a place to experience the Holy Spirit in a powerful and personal way, for whatever God would have for them. At the date of this writing, the first Crusade is scheduled for June 22 and 23, 2023 at the Tom Moffat Waikiki Shell.

Pastor Elizabeth Lotter:

 Pastor Elizabeth Lotter held the position of State Director of the Washington State Prayer Caucus in Olympia, Washington, prior to moving to Hawaii. The Washington Prayer Caucus is the Washington State affiliate of the U.S. Congressional Prayer Caucus in Washington, DC.  Pastor Elizabeth has continued God’s calling for her by reaching out to many of the local politicians at Hawaii’s State Capitol.

Pastor Elizabeth walks in complete agreement with her husband for their calling together, respecting the Biblical position of her husband as the head of her, the head of their home, and the head of their calling and ministry.  Pastor Ray and Pastor Elizabeth are called to outreach and minister to the people of Hawaii. They both feel very blessed to now call Hawaii their home.

Pastor Ray Lotter:

Pastor Ray Lotter has an extensive and diverse background in ministry and service to the Lord. Pastor Ray came to salvation in Auburn, Nebraska at the age of 8. He answered the call of the Lord in the early 1990’s and committed his life to serve the Lord fully wherever the Lord would take him. For over 30 years, Pastor Ray has ministered and served in various capacities, including the following:
•  Ministry at Missouri State Prison where he led hundreds to salvation. 
•  Ministry for three years at the Peniel Homeless Mission in Portland, Oregon, where he preached and led many to salvation and saw God work  miracles through him. 
•  Ministry for eight years at prophetic conferences in the Pacific Northwest, Idaho, and Oregon.  
•  Served over 20 years as prophetic counsel to Prophet Timothy Johnson, and continues in this service. 
•  Served for over 8 years in the healing rooms in Moses Lake, Washington, leading prayer teams, praying for the sick, experiencing healings,  deliverances, signs and wonders that the Lord did through him. The healing rooms in Moses Lake are part of the Healing Rooms Ministries in  Spokane, Washington founded by healing evangelist John G. Lake. 
•  For two years, Pastor Ray served as CEO of Kingdom Hands International, where he oversaw outreaches to Africa, India, Mexico, and France,  supporting the Pastors and Apostles in these countries. 
•  For over five years, Pastor Ray met with a local Intercessor and Prophet.
•  Pastor Ray has served as lead worshipper and as prophetic counsel for the Transformation House in Moses Lake, Washington. 
•  Ministered at Connell State Prison in Washington State for over 12 years.
•  Planted churches in Chelan, Walla Walla, and Moses Lake, Washington. 
•  Pastored King’s Tabernacle, Moses Lake, for over 10 years. 
•  Member of the Moses Lake Ministerial Association for over 12 years where he regularly met with the Pastors throughout the area. 
•  Held crusades in Chelan, Moses Lake, and Bellingham, Washington. 
•  Pastor Ray and his wife Elizabeth are overseers of 16 ministries and churches in Washington State, and Montana. 
•  Since coming to Hawaii, Pastor Ray has been involved in several men’s fellowships, preached at the invitation of Pastor’s and leaders, started  men’s fellowship groups, and has led many to Christ, and baptized many. Throughout his ministry since arriving in Hawaii, he has seen several  salvations, deliverances, healings, and God moving mightily upon His people to bring them into a deeper relationship with Him and activate them  into service to the Lord. 
•  Pastor Ray is ordained through Trinity Evangelical Christian Ministries, King’s Tabernacle Church, and the Full Gospel Fellowship of Ministers  International, of Redding, CA. 

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